Monday, November 26, 2012


 Photoshoot preview!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


 For the first time I made Japanese curry!
So good!
I also made a yummy casserole this month.
I don't do much cooking so I'm pretty proud of myself.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


 Fire is pretty magical.
 & nice to look at.
 And they are even better...
 with someone to talk to around them.

Monday, November 19, 2012


 Pink eyeliner.
I had to wear a had this day because my halloween hair spray stained my hair. Eeep.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Personal Post.

I usually don't post many personal things on here, but this is something that is very important to me. I don't know why I've been afraid to talk about myself on my blog but I think today I will start. 

Growing up I had posters of only girls all over my walls. My mom thought about asking me to take them
down but figured it was no big deal.
I had some homoerotic experiences with friends but never talked about them again and figured it was just us being silly because I didn't like them.
I would stand in my room and wonder "Am I gay?" Then I would remember I had a crush on someone who was a boy and then shook it off. Of course I wasn't gay if I had a crush on a boy...
I wish I had known there were other options.
I thought that girls were just overall more attractive than boys. I thought everyone felt this way. I was never aroused by a mans body. I was attracted to some of them though. Nothing made sense.

In high school a rumor about my sexuality started, that I was bisexual because I had kissed a girl. I am a little ashamed by how I reacted to this. I was very defensive and denied it. Maybe things would have been different if I had embraced that rumor. But alas I did not.
I never identified with the word bisexual. When I was young I had a skewed perception of what that word meant.
Now I know it means being attracted to people of the same gender and of different genders. So that sounds about right. Labels aren't important if you are still figuring it all out, don't worry too much. Have crushes on whoever you have crushes on and don't worry, there is nothing wrong with you. Sexuality is fluid so don't worry if it doesn't always stay the same.
I wanted to post this because it's important to me. I feel like coming out to certain people I wasn't taken seriously and if I can type it all out, I won't get flustered and retreat.
I'm queer.
Plain and simple.
Although none of us are simple. It feels good to finally accept myself for who I am.
I'm lucky to have such accepting people in my life that have stayed by my side.

Friday, November 16, 2012


Everything went better than expected. 
I had a good day, even though I was dreading it.
 I was able to try vegan corndogs yum! (thanks dad) 
Then we had a played games with friends. 
I went on a stroll through the leaves and E & I decided to stay up all night.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


 A friend of mine brought me some cute gifts from Canada. :)
 I had a frame that fit this perfectly!
 Moved my desk and made my stuffed animals a bed.
I always feel like catwoman in these leggings.
It snowed for the first time.

This has been a post.

Monday, November 12, 2012


 I made a cute garland a day too late.
 Candy time!
 New spiderweb tights.
 Halloween brings out the cutest treats.

Happy late haunting!

Saturday, November 10, 2012


 For our costumes this year we were Mystique and Azazel.
For those of you that don't know, they are X-men characters and Nightcrawlers parents.
 Mystique's is sometimes called Raven, so I had a raven shirt.
 Overall we only bought the makeup and stuff for our hair. 
So I'm pretty proud of how inexpensive it was.
Click the 'read more' to read on.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


 A little overview of a couple highlights from my October.
 I entered two photographs into an art show.

 Then we celebrated my non-victory by going out to dinner.
 We got to spend some time with this cute little guy but haven't seen him since. 
I hope he found his home.
 It started getting chillier.
I was looking forward to these all year long. :D

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Suffragettes c.1918
  I can't believe this picture is so relevant today. I think we are going in the right direction and things do take time to improve. They won't improve if we don't recognize they exist. So I just wanted to share some little victories with you. Things that are definitely making me happy today!
  • Mazie Hirono (bottom left) from Hawaii becomes the first Asian-American woman (born in Japan) in the U.S. Senate. [x]
  • Tammy Duckworth (top) from Illinois becomes the first disabled woman to be elected as Congresswomen. Also, she is half-Thai. [x]
  • That means the rape apologist Joe Walsh has been kicked off. [x]
  • Todd Akin who’s been quoted saying; “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down” has also been outed from his seat. [x]
  • As has the disgusting Richard Murdock who thinks “Rape is a gift from God”. Booted off. [x]
  • Colorado has become the first state to legalize the recreational use and sale of marijuana. [x] And it’s predicted it will pass in Washington. [x]
  • Maine and Maryland have voted for marriage equality, and Minnesota has voted for NOT passing a ban on marriage equality for same-sex couples. Washington almost has their referendum for marriage equality passed.
  • Tammy Baldwin (bottom center) in Wisconsin becomes the first openly gay Senator to be elected. [x]
  • Mary Gonzalez (bottom right) of Texas is the first openly pansexual senator Representative! [x] (Apologies for that slip-up) (source)