Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mission Statement.

While reading this blog post I decided to re-write my mission statement. I do it every year but have never shared it online.

So after writing lots I made an affirmation-like paragraph that I will share with you.

I am an artist that is happy and satisfied with my life.
I will paint. I will do everything I desire because life is too short not to do everything I want.
I want to be look how I want and passionately go after my dreams.
I have a decorated home and studio/office. I have all the supplies and money I need. I go out and have fun. I work hard and am a talented artist. I am in a lovely relationship and my encounters are easy. My many ideas are often appreciated. I love my home and am relaxed. I am learning. I am healthy. I am a modified goddess princess unicorn magical girl. I am excited. I have a plan. I can do anything.
I will love and take care of myself. I give no fucks. I stand up for myself. I love me. I am brave, fearless and confident. I have my shit together.
I will have a plan. I will choose what to be/do. I will overcome anxiety and depression. I will do what scares me. I will create and let things fall into my lap. I will breathe.

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